Small Group Classes


Small Group practice at Kinesia Pilates Seattle has a distinctive dynamic and flow that is different from corporate Pilates fitness clubs.

If you would like to join any small groups we request that you take our Intro Offer for Private lessons so we can get to know each-other. We will teach you crucial safety skills and help you set a good foundation. More about joining classes

Reformer Classes

Basic safety skills on the Gratz reformer are required to join classes

If you want to by-pass the introductory Private lessons, please schedule a free 15-min consultation!

Semi-Privates are groups of up to 5 people who book together at any time of the day. You can request to join a semi-private or create one with friends. 

There are established semi-privates throughout the day. To request to join a semi-private please contact us for scheduling.

Hybrid Classes
We offer Zoom Kinesia Pilates Mat classes with in-studio spaces by reservation. In-studio space is limited to 4 people with up to 5 people on Zoom.