Four self-care tips to manage the season without overwhelm

To keep a well-body, be sure to treat your body well.

Whatever the season, these four tips will help you be at your best during exciting times.

Tip 1: Sleep is essential to repair your body and your brain 

In the hour before bedtime, create a small evening ritual that helps you calm your mental chatter and relaxes your body. 
Review your day with as much objectivity as possible. Without making judgments, set an intention for tomorrow. (For instance, It could be to hydrate, get outside more, delay gratification, reduce consumption, take a movement break... something that energizes your spirit). 

Tip 2: Fuel your brain and body with food/drink that sustains your energy 

If you are feeling foggy and groggy, just check the immediate effect of what you consumed. 
If you are dragging or have a brain fog an hour later than what you ate might be slowing you down. Try adding more fresh vegetables to your daily diet, this can help stabilize your appetite and reduce blood-sugar spiking. 

Tip 3: Remember to make time to schedule your workouts 

Just as important as sleep and nutrition, self care includes setting aside dedicated time for YOU.
When the days are flying by and you never get it all done, it is tempting to sacrifice your personal practice for just a few extra minutes. Before you break your promise to yourself, remember how grounded and balanced you feel after your workouts. Show up for yourself so you can be at your best everywhere else.  

Tip 4: FLOW!

Learning and practicing skills challenges increases dopamine and gives you a natural glow.
Peak life experiences are characterized by challenges that absorb your focus and transport you to a timeless state, utterly engaged in the moment. You can bring a little bit of flow to your life every day by getting your body moving, breathing, and building community connections.

We hope you find these tips help you feel more grounded and you enjoy this exciting season.


Setting Wellness Goals that Really Matter


The Practice of Empowered Self-Care